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Bulk settings

On every page on Commspace there is an option to use bulk settings, instead of changing information individually, one item at a time.

Amanda de Bruyn avatar
Written by Amanda de Bruyn
Updated over 2 months ago

For every page, the bulk settings have some rules. You can apply bulk changes by:

  1. Applying a filter. If you apply any changes with a filter applied, the changes will be applicable to everything in that filter.

    Tip: apply multiple filters to identify what you want to change in bulk.

  2. Select the individual items you want to set by clicking the tick box on the left-hand side of your line item.

  3. To change information using "More Actions", the item has to be removable (tip: item will have a dustbin on the right-hand side, or you can filter on "removable")


On the Statements tab, these are the bulk settings:

Bulk settings:


Change your statements' status from "ready" to "allocated".


Relink your statements, usually after changes were made. Only applicable to existing business, new business has to be linked as per usual.


"Detach" your commission from your business in order to make changes to product agreements or agreements.


Download commission statement statements in bulk. Format of the file name will be provider, statement date and amount.


Export the current page, to have an Excel spreadsheet of your commission summary.


Change your statements' status from "allocated" to "ready".


Delete the entire selection (or filter applied).*

* If you're unsure if your statement is meant to be on your Statements page, please reach out to our Commspace Support team.

Note: please take great care to not delete items if you're not 100% sure. We cannot restore items manually uploaded as we do not have access to it. If you accidendantally deleted a feed statement, we should be able to restore it, however it might take some time to identify the correct item on our servers.

More Actions:

Statement Date

Date when the money hit the bank.

Remittance Date**

Date when the provider statement will be paid out to advisers/brokers.


Custom description of the statement (note: this is not the payment reference)

Financial Source**

Source of the income, usually from different banks (Nedbank, ABSA etc).

Exchange Rate**

If your office works with foreign currency, use this to bulk set an exchange rate.


Change the provider of a statement(s).

**if applicable to your office


On the Clients tab, these are the bulk settings:


Activate client(s).


Deactivate client(s).


Export the current page to view an Excel spreadsheet.

More Actions:

Client Type

Individual or Non-Individual


Client Groups, if applied to your office. Read more in this article.


On the Clients tab, these are the bulk settings:

Add Product Agreements

Add an additional product agreement from a specific date, for a specific agreement and responsible partner. Read more here.


Link the existing commission to the existing business (this product number(s)).


Unlink the existing commission from the existing business in order to make changes.


Move product from one client to another. Read more here.


Export the current page to view an Excel spreadsheet.


Delete the entire selection (or filter applied).

More Actions:


Change the provider for a product.

Secondary Provider

Change the secondary provider for a product. This is usually the underwriter.

Product category

Change the product category for a product. This is static, and not linked to a date. Therefore, all the reports will now reflect the new product category, despite the date.

Inception date

Date of commencement per product.

Termination date

Date of termination per product.

Product Agreement:

Add Product Agreement

Add an additional product agreement from a specific date, for a specific agreement and responsible partner. Read more here.


Unlink the existing commission from the existing business in order to make changes.


Export the current page to view an Excel spreadsheet.


Delete the entire selection (or filter applied).

More Actions:


Change the agreement per product

Responsible Partner

Change the responsible partner per product

Partner Match**

Enable/disable the Partner Match per product. Read more here

Valid From

Change the date from which your product agreement is valid. This is not the inception date of the product.

Expiry Date

Set the date that the product agreement has to expire. This will cause your product to be "not ready" on your statements after this date.

Compliant + Noncompliance Reasons

Set the compliant status + reason for a product (applicable to Premium Features). Read more here.

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