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Responsible partner code match
Responsible partner code match

Only link when the statement code matches with the linked partner. Flag it for me if it doesn't.

Amanda de Bruyn avatar
Written by Amanda de Bruyn
Updated over a week ago

This is a condition that is added to a product agreement where it can be specified that revenue should only be linked when it matches to the statement's partner code. Mostly used when advisers only write on their own codes - not on each others' codes.

How does it work?

When importing a commission statement and Commspace automatically links the existing business, it runs through the partner codes from the statement and matches it to the existing partner codes on Commspace.

When Commspace cannot match the partner on the statement to a partner on Commspace, the statement item will be flagged as "Not Ready".

πŸ’‘ Pro tip: add "Blocking Reasons" by using Manage Columns to identify why your item is not linking.

It will reflect like this in your statement items:

After which we need to troubleshoot what to do next (check further down in this article).

How to implement

  1. Send a request to [email protected] to add the feature Responsible Partner Code Match to your office.

  2. All your partner codes have to be filled, as Commspace will be matching the codes on the statements with the codes setup on Commspace.

  3. When importing your unlinked report, you need to specify if the product agreement has to be enabled for Responsible Partner Code Match.

Bob's your uncle! Now let Commspace identify those mismatches for you.

Troubleshooting when an item is not linking

Read through this article to identify the blocking reason, and how to resolve each one.

Remember, you can contact [email protected] if you're stuck at any stage - we'll gladly assist.😊

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