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Bank Recon: filters
Amanda de Bruyn avatar
Written by Amanda de Bruyn
Updated this week

Understanding Bank Recon filters

The "Ready to match" view will apply a default set of filters to your Bank Recon:

You can select your view, or customise you own view if you use is frequently.

Note: If you can't see this, you need to expand your Filters by clicking on the word "Filters"

These filters have been set as a default suggestion, but you can manipulate these filters to suite you. Have a look at the basic use of Commspace filters in this article.

These are the items you can filter on in Bank Recon:

Some new fields and their meanings:

Autodetected Provider

With Bank Recon Premium, you can filter on where the provider has been auto detected.

Feed Active

Yes/No. Filter on providers where data feeds are active for your office.
โ€‹Check which providers are available for data feeds or


Notes specific to this bank transaction. Note: these will be notes that a user has set.

Match Status

What is the status of your bank transaction.
Read more about Match Status and the meaning of the colours.

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