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Bank Recon: setting/removing providers
Bank Recon: setting/removing providers
Amanda de Bruyn avatar
Written by Amanda de Bruyn
Updated over 2 months ago

After importing your bank statements, we recommend identifying and specifying your providers for maximum Commspace benefit.


Commspace uses automation based on the provider name and amount to find the best match and filter out the other transactions/commission statements. Therefore, the more providers you've set, the more accurate your Commspace suggested matches will be.

Updating in bulk

Step 1: Select your transactions that you'd like to set the provider for

Step 2: expand "More Actions"


Step 3: select your provider

Your transactions have been updated to your selected provider:

Updating individually

Step 1: select the "Unknown" provider on the dotted line:

Step 2: it will present you with a dropdown - once you select your provider, it will be set

Don't want to set the providers manually? Have a look at our Premium Features add-on which includes Bank Recon Premium, to auto set your providers.

Removing a set provider

If a provider has been set, however, you want to remove it (not correct it). This is usually the case for excluded transactions.

Step 1: Select the transaction

Step 2: Expand More Actions to reveal the Provider Set box

Step 3: Without selecting a Provider, click on Set

Now your provider is back to "Unknown":

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