First navigate to the ‘Statements’ page
Linking statements
Note: this is for existing business only. If you have new business that needs initial linking, rather use this article as guide.
Typically the system tries to automatically link all statement items of a statement when it first loaded into the system. Sometimes you might want to manually link a statement's items again, for example if you had previously manually unlinked some products/product agreements, in order to make changes.
In that case, apply filters and/or select the applicable statements as required and click Link:
Allocating statements
Before allocating statements, make sure that they have a status of Ready.
If the relevant statements are still in the Not Ready state, please ensure that all the items of the relevant statements are linked first (see above on how to link).
Allocating a single statement
Click directly on the Ready status label of any statement to allocate the statement:
Allocating multiple statements
Click directly on the Ready status label of any statement to immediately allocate the statement or select the applicable statements as required.
Typically you might want to allocate all Ready statements:
Click Allocate:
Deallocating statements
Deallocating a single statement
Click directly on the Allocated status label of any statement to deallocate the statement:
Deallocating multiple statements
Apply filters and/or selected the applicable statements as required.
Typically you might want to apply a filter to deallocate Allocated statements, although be careful here to not just filter on all Allocated statements before deallocating, because normally you might want to only deallocate a few statements... and not ALL statements that has ever been allocated. In this case selecting the specific statements you want to deallocate, is probably a good idea 😅
Click Deallocate: