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Bank Recon: Auto Matching

Commspace automatically matches your bank transactions with your commission statements.

Amanda de Bruyn avatar
Written by Amanda de Bruyn
Updated over 7 months ago

This is a Bank Recon Premium feature, included in the premium features package

What is it?

Auto Matching will be performed as soon as the provider has been specified. The system intelligently matches bank statement entries to the relevant commission statements based on the date, provider and amount.

How can I tell which matches were created automatically?

On your Matched tab, you can manage your columns to have a look at which items have been auto matched, indicated by the magic wand:

What do I need to do?

On your Matched tab, your auto matched statements will automatically be accepted if the match was created with a high degree of certainty (date, provider, amount matched exactly). If not, it will be saved as a draft:

Follow the steps in this article to resolve a draft match, and have a look at all the time auto matching has saved. πŸ˜‰

What else does this mean?

When you have Bank Recon Premium, you will have auto provider detect and auto matching for your office. That means, after you've imported your bank statement into Commspace, it will automatically set your providers, and match them to your commission statements before you can even say "man, that's cool!" 😊

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