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Production vs Allocation
Amanda de Bruyn avatar
Written by Amanda de Bruyn
Updated over 8 months ago

Production figures are based on what has been produced per responsible partner and will be the totals that reflect on your commission statements (excluding VAT or including VAT).

Allocation figures are based on what is allocated per partner, therefore the figure will be the result of the production divided between the relevant partners in the agreement split (e.g., 80%/20%).

When you place the total Production figures on an Allocation report, it will duplicate the production figure, because it will specify the total production every time per partner (therefore more than once on the same report) giving you inaccurate Production figures.

In the above example, you will see the total Production figure is R100.00, which is divided between Amanda receiving R80.00 and Headspace Technologies receiving R20.00. However the Production figure reflects twice on the report, once per partner, therefore reflecting a total production for this client of R200.00.

In order to include Production figures in your Allocation report, you need to ensure that you are creating individual reports, so that your partners aren't included, and therefore not duplicating the production figure.

If you require your total Production figures, opt for Partner, Client or Provider Production reports.

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