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Report Email

When enabled, this feature allows you to email a report directly from Commspace to the partners.

Amanda de Bruyn avatar
Written by Amanda de Bruyn
Updated over a week ago

This is part of our premium features package.

Set up report email

If you'd like email individual partner reports directly from Commspace to your partner(s), you need to ensure that your partners have been set up correctly: an email address and ID number specified. You can navigate to office settings and partners to ensure all partners have these details correctly captured.

Enable your partners to receive emailed reports by selecting your relevant partner(s), navigate to More Actions and clicking on "Enabled" .

The partner(s) will now be activated for Report Email:

Setting up your report templates

In your reports tab (whether you want to send partner allocation or partner production reports), you will see an option for Email Settings with subfolders of Delivery, Message and Attachment:


Choose who should receive the report and from which email address it should be sent from.

Note: the “from” email address will be the email address that you have used to log into Commspace with.

When you have individual reports selected, your delivery options will specify that it will be sent to the preset partner email addresses.


You can customise your subject and message as you would in a normal email.


Optionally specify a custom name (without extension) for the report file attached to the email, and decide whether or not you would like to encrypt it.

If you’d like to encrypt the file, you can specify the password as soon as you click on the “yes” button. In the case of individual reports, each partner’s report will be encrypted with their ID number captured in the partner settings, or you can specify the password.

When you have individual reports selected, your attachment settings will specify that it will be encrypted with the partner's ID number.

Send your reports via email

After you've selected your financial period and your preferred report template, simply click the “email” button to send this information to your partners.

Note: clicking the “Email” button will also save a copy to your device

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