Did you receive referral commission or have to load an invoice, and can’t find the company you want to load it under? As companies aren't service providers, this will be processed for the provider Direct.
If you don’t already have Direct as part of your company’s providers, you can follow this link to add a provider.
Create a generic statement
Since the provider isn’t on Commspace, the statement provided is not supported on the system, therefore you will start by creating a generic statement.
Product numbers
If you don’t have product numbers (you probably usually won’t as it was a referral), you can ‘create’ your own product numbers. We recommend that you use a format you can use to easily identify the provider on the reports.
For example, if you received referral commission for B van der Merwe from Battleship Brokers you might use product number BB-BVDM01. You can apply this logic to other referrals or invoices as well.
Product categories and commission types
For a list of Product Categories and Commission Types that you can use to process your commission, you can navigate to office settings, and Product Categories or Commission Types:
For any further queries, contact support on Intercom or at [email protected].