Unlinked Report
Elsa Stadler avatar
Written by Elsa Stadler
Updated over a week ago

What is an Unlinked Report used for?

An Unlink Report is a bulk process that can be done to link client information, product information and agreements for new business detail. This can mean that you will be able to link new products to existing clients or new products to a new client.

How do I download an Unlinked report?

Follow the steps below to download an Unlink Report from Commspace:

Note: before any Unlink Report is sent to Commspace Support for bulk action assistance make sure that you have processed your Report as far as possible.


  • SMITH AND SMITH TRUST should be Smith and Smit Trust,

  • Anderson,A (in the client name column) and A (in the initial column) should be Anderson (in client name column) and A (in the initial column),

  • Besticecreamcompany should be Best Ice Cream Company

Also note that the report should have more than 50 line items for bulk processing by the Commspace Support team..

Step 1: Click on Reports in the blue Commspace ribbon. Then choose Unlinked Report from the drop down.

Step 2: Select the date range you want for the report.

Step 3: At Report Template choose Commspace Clients Unlinked

Step 4: Click the Download button

Your downloaded Unliked Report will look something like this.

What should I complete in the Unlinked Report?

The Unlink Report will have various columns that will either be completed (there is already information) or it will have no information. Some of the information that is populated in the Report might need to be updated and/or changed. The same goes for the empty cells on the spreadsheet.

Below is a list of the column names and what should be done with it.

Column name

Column details

Client name

This column should contain only the surname of the client or the entity's name. It must not be in Capital letters. Example: Smith (or if it is an entity) Smith Builders


This column should contain the initials of the client. Example: SJP

Client ID number

This column should contain the identity number of the client. If you do not have the identity number of the client a place holder ID number will be generated. This can then be fixed later. If it is a Non-Individual the registration number must be provided.

Client Type

This column should contain if the client is an Individual or a Non-Individual.

Secondary Provider

It might happen that this information did not "pull through" from the statement. Leave this space blank.

Product category

This column should contain what kind of product it is. Example: Endowment, Short Term, etc.)

Inception date

This column should contain the start date of the product. If you do not have this information leave the space blank.


This column should contain the precise description that is used on Commspace. If you are unsure of the wording you can see it under your settings on Commspace. *(Refer to the end of this Article for the steps to follow.)

Responsible Partner

This column should contain the precise name of the partner that is used on Commspace. If you are unsure of the wording you can see it under your settings on Commspace.

*(Refer to the end of this Article for the steps to follow.)

Partner Provider Code

It might happen that this information did not "pull through" from the statement. Leave this space blank.

Valid From

This column should contain the first date of the current processing period

(i.e. the date you want your product agreement to be valid from).

How do I get to Settings?

In the section above we saw that the columns for Agreement and Responsible Partner should have specific information.

Follow the steps below to navigate to that information.

Step 1: Click on the Settings icon in the blue Commspace ribbon.

Step 2: Select the applicable information


Tip: Use the filters to search for specific information.


Tip: Use the filters to search for specific information.

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