Local and foreign currencies

When it comes to reporting it might be necessary in your business to see source and payment currency values side by side.

Elsa Stadler avatar
Written by Elsa Stadler
Updated over a week ago

This feature is especially useful when revenue is received in multiple currencies and you require more uniformity with regards to partner payouts and reporting.

The multi-currency (local and international currencies) feature can be requested and activated by Commspace support.

The currency details are set when importing the relevant statement by using one of the following methods:

  1. Apply the details to the entire statement:


2. Should the currency code and exchange rate be included on the original statement, we can map the statement for you and currency details will be imported automatically.

Statements with multiple currencies are also supported. For example: if you had to use the Commspace generic template, you can stipulate different currency codes and exchange rates per line item.

Users can select new columns to view details per statement:

Or view the details per statement item:

Once statements are linked and allocated, you can include multiple fields in any of your reports by selecting relevant items in the configuration window:

For support with this feature please do not hesitate to contact Commspace support. We will gladly assist.

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