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Deleted items

I've accidentally deleted something, now what?

Amanda de Bruyn avatar
Written by Amanda de Bruyn
Updated over 3 months ago

As far as possible, please do not delete items (whether it's statements, feeds, product agreements or partners). They are probably there for a reason. 😊

However, have a look at the below topics to see how to handle each one:


Statements via user upload

We do not have access to user uploaded files after it has been deleted. You will need to restore this yourself.

Statements via data feeds

Reach out to [email protected] to request to restore these items. Since they are received in an SFTP folder from the provider, we have access to it. Please note it might take a few hours to restore.

Statements via email feeds

Reach out to [email protected] to request to restore these items. Please note it might take a few hours to restore as we need to search for and identify the exact commission statement through multiple folders.

Product agreements

If you have the initial information of the product agreement (the product number, agreement, responsible partner and valid from date) we can recreate it for you.


If you have the information of the agreement (the description, version date and rules in the agreements) we can recreate it for you.

Note: if your agreement was linked to revenue, you would not have been able to delete it. If this is the case, reach out to Commspace Support to help you investigate.


If your partner is linked to any historical revenue, you aren't able to delete this partner (perhaps deactive this partner). You can however still make changes to this partner like editing the name/address/aliases etc.

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